Port Setup

Note about ADAM module support: Communications with ADAM analog input modules manufactured by Advantech are not supported as of 9205 firmware revision 2.34. To determine the firmware version of your 9205 instrument, perform a controller data backup using the System Management -> Backup/Restore menu in Configurator. Select Backup -> Online Device. Once the backup is performed, check the Backup Files list for the 9205 as shown in the screen shot. The firmware revision level will be shown.



Host 232 Baud

This will set the baud rate for RS-232 communications.  The list of options is:

1200        14400        57600

2400        19200        76800

4800        28800        115200

9600        38400



Host 232 Mode

This will set the mode rate for RS-232 communications.  This list of options is:

Modbus        Cal term    Modbus/DF1 Master


Host 485 (3,4) Baud

This will set the baud rate for RS-485 communications.  The list of options is:

1200        14400        57600

2400        19200        76800

4800        28800        115200

9600        38400


Host 485 (3,4) Mode

This is the mode for RS-485 communications.  It is fixed on Modbus.


Host 485 Address

This will set the address for RS-485 communications.  The range is 1247.


Client 1 (5,6) Baud

This will set the baud rate for Client 1 communications.  The list of options is:

1200        14400        57600

2400        19200        76800

4800        28800        115200

9600        38400


Client 1 (5,6) Mode

This will set the mode for Client 1 communications.  The list of options is:

Modbus Master


Modbus Host


Client 1 (5,6) Bits

This will set the data bits, parity, and stop bits (in that order). The list of options is:

8, none, 1

8, odd, 1

8, even, 1

8, none, 2


Client 2 Baud

This will set the baud rate for Client 2 communications.  The list of options is:

1200        14400        57600

2400        19200        76800

4800        28800        115200

9600        38400


Client 2 Mode

This will set the mode for Client 2 communications.  This list of options is:




SSi Analog Input Board



Client 1 (5,6) Bits

This will set the data bits, parity, and stop bits (in that order). The list of options is:

8, none, 1

8, odd, 1

8, even, 1

8, none, 2


PLC Type

This value defines the type of PLC being used.  The options are: Micrologix Modbus, MCMmodule Modbus, DF1 PLC5, DF1 Slik, Passive.


Host 232-2 Baud

This will set the baud rate for RS-232 communications.  The list of options is:

1200        14400        57600

2400        19200        76800

4800        28800        115200

9600        38400


Host 232-2 Mode

This will set the mode for RS-232 communications.  The list of options is:

Modbus        Cal term    Televac